Driving progress towards curing movement disorders

At the University of Miami we are at the forefront of movement disorders care, focusing on the individual needs of our patients while pushing the boundaries of medical research.

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Driving progress towards curing movement disorders

At the University of Miami we are at the forefront of movement disorders care, focusing on the individual needs of our patients while pushing the boundaries of medical research.

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Driving progress towards curing movement disorders

At the University of Miami we are at the forefront of movement disorders care, focusing on the individual needs of our patients while pushing the boundaries of medical research.

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Interdisciplinary Clinics

The Division also contains several specialty interdisciplinary clinics in addition to our general movement disorders clinics. These are truly interdisciplinary, with each patient being assessed by multiple therapists on the same day, and with that team devising a coordinated plan of care in consultation with one another. The Division hosts both interdisciplinary parkinsonism (Parkinson’s, PSP, CBD, and MSA) and functional movement disorder clinics.

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Pushing the boundaries of medical research

Together with our network of partners within and outside UM, we are committed to advancing care, sharing knowledge, and driving progress towards curing movement disorders.

Sustain our mission to enhance lives and outcomes through research

As we work to improve patients’ quality of life — for their entire lifespan — we seek partners to catapult our progress. With your philanthropic investment, we can expand the breadth and depth of our efforts in three critical areas: research, clinical care and education and training.

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